Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Getting Rid of Flying Squirrel Georgia - the Professional Way

The aerodynamic wonder - flying squirrels enter your homes, make themselves comfortable but are really hard to get rid of. Their swiftness and their survival skills set them apart from other rodents and squirrels.

If you are suddenly hearing squeaking and gnawing noises in your attic, you should be calling flying squirrel Georgia removal services!

Flying squirrels are nocturnal species. They are most active during their night hours, which is when they develop their highest senses to gather and scavenge seeds, nuts, food items, fruits and other insects.

It is during fall/winter seasons when they pace up to gather as much food and space they can for themselves. However, it is during this time they might very well be targeting your home as their safe haven.

Flying Squirrel Menace 

Once they manage to enter your premises, they can cause a significant amount of damage to your premises.

    • They can gnaw on electrical wiring, chewing them off, causing serious blackouts and fire breakouts

    • They will chew off the integral structures of your home, allowing your walls, floorboards and attic to rot away.

    • When they do gnaw and chew off all the food in and around your home, they are going to be making a lot of noises, disturbing your sleep, every single night!

    • They can easily widen any construction gaps in your premises.

    • They can cause considerable damages to your lawn and garden by digging holes, damaging all the shrubs and trees.

    • Flying squirrels can easily cause infections and rashes because of their habit of leaving around their feces and urine. They can also cause rabies.

Yes, flying squirrels can be a real nuisance!

How do they enter your homes?

Flying squirrels can easily stretch their bodies, glide around trees smoothly, and can give professional acrobats a run for their money!

They can easily enter your home by climbing the highest trees in your garden and taking off to enter your home through windows and chimneys. They could also easily look for any small hole or opening in your home and utilize the same to enter your home.

Getting Rid of Flying Squirrel, Georgia! 

Getting rid of Flying Squirrels from your beautiful Georgia residence is easy! You simply have to call professional flying squirrel removal services. You will then soon be left with a safe and sound home, completely free of flying squirrels and their destruction.

Flying squirrel removal specialists will talk to you, get to know about their sightings, about their signs, and about the sounds they make and at what time. Once they inspect with you, they will inspect for their possible hideaways in your home. They will look for them in every single corner.

Once their secret hideaway is located, their entry and exit points will be sealed; after which traps will be set for them.

After setting a trap for them, flying squirrels will be relocated to a safer location, miles away from your home.

Once all of this is done, all the previous damages flying squirrels have caused in your home shall be fixed and possible measures will be taken to ensure no future flying squirrel infiltration happen again in the future!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

How the Best Flying Squirrel Georgia Removal Services can help you

Flying squirrels, one of the most common species around North America, are not just the easiest to identify but also the hardest to keep away from your home. Their aerodynamic skills and the way they flatten out their furry bodies to fly like a parachute, is their greatest identifying feature. Once they launch themselves in air and fly away, there is nothing that will stop them from gliding away later. 
Not an immediate threat, but these nocturnal mammals can cause significant problems in your life! Probably this is why you will require Flying Squirrel Georgia removal services! 

A Flying Squirrel in Your Georgia Home! 

Flying squirrels tend to look for warm shelters in order to hide, this is why they are mostly seen around the attic of your Georgia home. Considering the fact that they breed twice every year, they are always seen living in large colonies of flying squirrels. 
When living in the safe shelters of your warm home, flying squirrels can live for more than a decade. However, in a wild setting, they can hardly live for about 5 to 6 years. Species that live for so long are bound to cause significant amount of damages! 

Damages They Can Cause 

For starters, flying squirrels can chew and gnaw on electrical wiring around your house, which can not only cause electrical failures and short circuits but can also cause fire breakouts. 
Moreover, the fact that they have found shelter in your attic our anywhere around your home, means you are going to end up with sleepless nights. They are going to make a lot of noise with their gnawing, especially when they are active at night! This gnawing and chewing can also expose and expand any construction gaps in your home, and rot away the essential wooden structures of your home and roof. 
In your garden, they can cause the bark of the trees and shrubs to be denuded. Apart from the possible denudation, they can also dig multiple holes around your home and your turf and damage your bird feeders and other possible items out in your patio. 
Apart from disorienting your wiring, your home, and your garden, they are also known to spread parasitic infections and diseases, like typhus and rabies, because of their habit to leave around urine and droppings. 
Having flying squirrels around your home is a nightmare for your family. This is why you should be looking forward to getting rid of them as quickly as possible with the help of flying squirrel Georgia removal services.

Getting rid of Flying Squirrels 

Out of all the possible ways, the most effective is to keeping them out of your home, not allowing them to come back by trapping them and relocating them. However, this cannot be done alone. You do need to ask for help. Doing it on your own can be tricky. Flying Squirrel Georgia removal services are the ones you should be trusting for the job! 
Professionals like us can not just trap them but relocate them to a new place, in the most humane way possible, where they can live peacefully without having to sabotage your premises. We have helped thousands of families breathe a sigh of relief by providing our services, we will do the same for you! 

Our services will start by sealing all the possible entry and exit points that a flying squirrel Georgia family can use to move around your premises. Once we seal all the points, we will try and trap them, not giving them an opportunity to let them escape anywhere else. Once we have managed to trap them, we will transport them to a safe, distant location, where they can build a new home for themselves and live happily. 

Our removal methodologies are environmental and animal friendly. We are humane in our approach. As pioneers in flying squirrel Georgia removal services, we do not believe in hurting any species. In fact, we do not even believe in letting your home hurt! This is why we also repair all the damages that flying squirrels have caused to you and your family. We will fix and repair every form of damage so you can relax at all times. 

Monday, September 3, 2018

How Can Squirrels Get in Your House

Squirrels look nice while they are playing on tree branches, but they are a menace inside your house. These rodents may look cute, but they have very strong jaws and teeth. They can chew on and cut almost anything. It is, in fact, difficult to prevent them from entering your household. They can enter on the ground as well as over the ground through the roof. In fact, entering through the roof is often easier for these rodents. If there is a bit of vulnerability in your roof tiles or near the base of the chimney, they can make way through them and take shelter in the attic. Once they are inside the attic, they find a cozy place to nest and multiply. They bring on their family to the attic and start breeding. The attic is warmer than the outside. There is often a lot of food source in households. So, the squirrel family gets a warm shelter and lot of food source to depend on. They quickly multiply and spread to different corners of the household. In a short time you may have a squirrel infestation. There may be squirrel poop all over your house and screeching sound. However, it is difficult to remove them if there is an infestation. You need to prevent a squirrel intrusion from becoming an infestation. So, call squirrel removal Atlanta services as soon as you notice the presence of these rodents.
Why They Intrude Households
Squirrels live inside burrows in trees and in the ground. However, as the winter season dawns they find it difficult to survive in the burrows. Food sources also dry up during that time of the year. This is why just before the winter sets in squirrel families set off in search for warmer places with nearby food source. Households are an obvious destination for them in view of the warmer nesting place and stock of food. So they intrude households by all means. They dangle on overhead supply wires or tree branches and drop on rooftops. Once they are there they find vulnerable places such as broken or displaced tiles or even damaged places near the base of the chimney. Even if there is just a small fault, they can make it big by gnawing at the material with their strong jaws and sharp teeth. The make holes big enough for them to enter the under-frame of the roof. Once they are there, they can chew on the wooden framework and work their way to the attic. They can enter your household on the ground too. The kitchen and toilet drain are their favourite entry points.
Dangers Of Squirrel Intrusion
There are a lot of them. They can chew up supply lines and cause a house fire. They can precipitate a flood by cutting up water supply lines. But they can do bigger damages too. They can make a maze of burrows under your house and destabilize your property. This can be the most devastating consequence of a squirrel infestation. There are other problems too. Sometimes squirrels get trapped in the nooks, corners and crevices of your house and die. As the bodies rot they spread infections. They may spread a variety of diseases. So make sure that as soon as you notice the presence of squirrel, give a call to squirrel removal Atlanta services.
How Do I Know
Noticing the presence of squirrels is easy. They make a lot of screeching sound, especially at night. They also make scratch sound on the attic, wall boards, furniture etc. You can hear these sounds mostly at night. So if there is screeching or scratching sound at night, make sure to give a call to Squirrel Removal Atlanta.
What Do They Do
Squirrel Removal Atlanta personnel are experts in squirrel behaviour. They lay traps at different vantage points so that they can trap the squirrel. They also have special night vision cameras with which they can photograph and locate these rodents in your house. Once they trap the squirrel, they just relocate them to the wild since killing animals is prohibited in almost every state. They also make sure that all the entry points to your house are sealed effectively. So they repair the roof damages and take preventive steps so that the squirrel cannot enter the household through kitchen and toilet drains.

How to Keep Flying Squirrel Out of Your House in Georgia

Flying squirrel are amazing animals. Their physical features combine the aerodynamic features of a bat and the strong features of a squirrel. They have a membranous cover around their hands and feet which help them glide in the air and land safely. You really need to be worried about them since they can just jump from tree tops, glide in the air and land on your rooftop effortlessly. Once they are on the roof, they can prey on old and worn out tiles, weakened places around the chimney base and make way through them to the wooden framework under the roof. Since they can easily chew on food, they can reach the attic of your house easily by chewing on the framework. Even if the framework is made of metal, there is enough space between the metal rods or bars to slide through to the attic. Once they get access to the attic they take their families their and start breeding. You need to stop the flyingsquirrel Georgia from breeding in the attic. Otherwise, there would be a squirrel infestation within two months. By the end of the winter season you may need to declare a full scale war against squirrels in your house.
Flying Squirrel Georgia Characteristics
Flying squirrels are omnivores. They like to eat both plant and meat. However, they like nuts, seeds, fruits, fungi etc. But in their search for food they may end up cutting mattresses, furniture, furnishing etc. They are nocturnal so you can find them foraging for food in your home at night. You can hear the distinct screeching sound at night too. They have strong jaws and sharp teeth like other squirrel. So they can chew up anything.
Damage caused by Flying Squirrel in Georgia
These Flying Squirrel can cause a lot of damage to your households. They can cut and chew anything in your house. This includes your furniture, mattresses, thins made of rubber and asphalt etc. Surprisingly, squirrels can even chew through metals like aluminum. So all the aluminum made stuff like slidings in the windows, gutters and downspouts, roof vents, flashing etc are prone to damage by squirrel. But squirrel damage is not limited to these. They can set up house fires by chewing on electrical cables. They can also set up a flood by chewing on water supply lines. They can do extensive damage to your building by building burrows below the foundation of the building. They may build a maze of burrows below your building and weaken the foundation.
How Do They Enter
It is not that the Flying Squirrel always enter through the roof. They may as well enter on the ground. The kitchen and toilet drains are their favorite entry points. They can also enter through the floor by making burrows from outside the building to beneath the building and then coming up from under the floor. They can make way through weak points in mortars too. In fact, if there is a weak point in the mortar it is not very difficult for it to wriggle through it, make hole in the wall board and get into the house. However, entering through the roof is often easier for them. Such intrusion mostly goes undetected for some time until you are awakened by the screeching and scratching sound at night.
How to prevent them from entering
It is difficult, yet you need to try to put up barriers to the entry of the flying squirrel Georgia. You need to make sure that there are no vulnerabilities in the roof. There must not be any broken or displaced tiles. Even if there is one such tile, the squirrel can make way through it. Even if it is not able to make way through the tiles, it can damage the chimney flashing and make way through it. So make sure that there are no vulnerabilities in the chimney flashing.
Call removal specialists
Squirrel removal is easier said than done. You need expertise in removing them. You can call squirrel removal specialists to remove these rodents. They place traps at different strategic points and catch the squirrel. They use sophisticated night vision cameras to spot the squirrel at different nooks and corners of your house. After catching the squirrel, they relocate them to the wild.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Get rid of bees with the help of Bee Exterminator Atlanta

If one spends considerable amount of time outdoors especially during hot months of summers one shall know a lot about bees.  They are often spotted in the open areas and fright people beyond imagination.  A bee sting can be very painful. Most of the time black and yellow colour bees are found. If there is a bee hive in the vicinity then every human activity is seen as an aggressive attack and chances of a sting increase. It is extremely important to find out the kind of bee as they are most often mistaken for hornets. These are all the more dangerous, at times poisonous and require different skill set for removal.

There are more than four thousand species of bees in the United States of America but a few common ones are as follows: 
African Bees- these are similar in appearance to honey bees but their hives are wider and bigger and they protect it at all times. They attack in large numbers. They are usually found in warm climates. They even chase after the threat is over to prevent any reoccurrence.
Carpenter bees- these are large and hairy in appearance. They do not sting humans. They are found often flying alone and not in large colonies. These bees generally case harm to wooden furniture. They lay eggs inside the wood and leave holes in the wood.
Honey bees and bumble bees are also commonly found.
Bees are important for the environment but if any property is invaded by bees then there are safe ways to get rid of them.
According to Bee Exterminator Atlanta; bee control and removal expert, bees must only be touched with the help of appropriate equipment and safety gear. These experts are capable of removing the hives and prevent their return with the help of safe sound methods without harming the bees.
The methods used are safe for the environment and the bees so that there is no impact on the pollination process. The process involves the following steps:
After the customer approach a pest specialist shall get in touch with the customer to further understand the problems. Calls are reverted within a day. The customer shall be asked for name, area pin code, first signs of bee attack and an appropriate time to revert the call.
Schedule a survey- the specialist shall pay a visit to the property for the following:
  •          understand the problem in detail,
  •          provide tailor made solutions and
  •          give an estimate of the expenditure
  •          assign a certified pest specialist

Start the treatment- the treatment shall start at a time convenient to the customer. The treatment is environment friendly and safe for children and pets.
Prevention measures- the expert shall pay as many visits are required and keep the work on till a permanent solution is obtained. The money charged is for the completion of the entire work and not for each visit. The expert shall take the guarantee of the following
  • ·         providing expert solutions
  • ·         advice for its prevention

There are many local beekeepers that are trained, certified and associated with this agency to remove the nests and hives. These are contacted in case of emergency or if the problem is not very severe. There are many do it yourself methods to get rid of bees. Vinegar solution mixed with water can be sprayed on the hive or camphor can be light below the hive to drive the bees away because of the smoke and the strong smell. But there is a possibility of a sting from the swarm of bees trying to escape in panic. These methods are risky and not very safe hence calling a professional Bee Exterminator Atlanta is highly recommended. These experts have hats that are netted, special suits for this particular job, special safely glasses and poles to eliminate large number of bees.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Rodents

Rats fall into the classification of dirty rodents that roam in your home. In order to survive, rats require food, shelter, and water. If your premises are a storehouse of all three of them, then rats are bound to be attracted there. The smaller versions of rats, mice pride themselves on food droppings, garbage, compost bins or pet food. They are the carrier of more than 20 types of diseases which can be doubly dangerous. In spite of keeping your home clean and tidy, these interpreters find a way to enter your premises. As a homeowner you are worried if you find them in your room or kitchen. No need to worry!  A host of remedial measures are there. As part of rodent removal Atlanta there are various home remedies available. An implication of them ensures that the rodents vanish quickly. They keep the house safe and the rodents out of sight.

Peppermint oil

To remove rodents peppermint oil is an obvious choice as the rats cannot tolerate their pungent smell. Just dip in a few cotton balls to the peppermint oil and place them in the affected region. For sure you can expect satisfactory results. At an alternative level, castor oil can be used. Around your premises mint plants can be grown.


One of the best rodent removal Atlanta methods is trapping. Catch hold of a human trap and then place a bait in it. The rats will be drawn towards it. Cheese or peanut butter are food items that rodents find it hard to resist. The moment rats try to munch them they get caught in the bait. Once caught you can leave them far off in the woods so as to never return back again.

While using this method, to peanut butter you can add boric acid as then the remedial measure would be more effective. While implementing this remedy use latex gloves.

Human hair

Rodents cannot bear the sight of a human hair. To repel rodents this works out to be an effective remedy. Just place a few strands of hair to the places where the rats are likely to visit more. Once the rodents feast on the hair, they will die a natural death.

Cat litter or snake litter

Buy snake litter from a zoo and place it an area where the rats will visit the most. As the fear of snake looms the rats will not visit the place again. This same procedure can be put to use with cat litter.
At a precautionary level keep it out of reach of children and pets.

Steel wool

This is an effective rodent removal Atlanta method if you want to keep them away from the walls. With steel wool, you can go on to create barriers. The rodents find it really hard to munch on the steel wool. You would need to block their way by locating the access point


The rodents are prone to hear in ultrasound frequencies. This same philosophy applies to their communication style as well. You can purchase ultrasound sound remitters from hardware stores. Not only will it hurt the rodents, but make them bleed as well. A noise box is something that you would need to turn them away.

Cow dung

Yes to some extent you can consider it to be a stinky process. On a different level, it does help to get rid of the rodents in an effective manner. On your garden or attic take some cow dung and place it. The moment rodents eat the cow dung it would go on to inflate their stomach and they are going to die naturally. You can employ this method for rodents in the exteriors of your home.

Though you can get rid of rodents using home remedies, these are not good for long run as there is more chances of getting your property infested again. Besides the removal of rodents, the infested area needs to be cleaned properly to protect any kind of infection. Thus, to keep away rodents for a long time it is always better to hire experts for Rodent Removal Atlanta. These people not only free your home from rodents but also clean the infested area, and make your house rodent proof to prevent any future infestation.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Rat Removal Atlanta Service to Control Rats

Rats and other rodents have become a menace for Atlanta residential and commercial properties. Rats enter houses, chew up stuff and also spread diseases. They make colonies in the attic. In fact, they love your attic space. This is the space in your house that the rats find most inviting since these are solitary spaces uninhabited by human beings. These places are also warm. Thus the rats can make colonies in the attic space of your house and continue to multiply in numbers. They also source ample food from the household. With nesting and food supply ensured, the rats can infest households in a short time. But rat infestation is bad for you and your property.

Harmful Effects of Rat Infestation     

Rats have strong jaws and sharp teeth. They can tear up and chew almost anything including asphalt and wood. It is really difficult to keep things safe once there has been a rat infestation in your house. As the rats gain access to your property, they tear up stuff and also chew up wooden stuff. They may also chew up computer hardware, especially wires and make computers non-functional. If you don’t call a Rat Removal Atlanta service quickly, you may just be a mute spectator to a trail of destruction of your household items. So make sure to call a rat removal service as soon as you notice the presence of rats.

Nevertheless, chewing up and cutting up things is not the only problem that rats pose to households and commercial properties. They also carry some virus and pathogens in their body. If they die in your house, these virus and pathogens may spread in your house and affect your family members. If rats have spread to the extent of an infestation, there is also a fear of rat scratch or bite. You need to treat such bites and scratches.

How Do Rats Enter Your Property

Rats enter your property through on the ground avenues as well as over the ground avenues. These are acrobatic rodents. Some of these rodents also live in trees while some others live in burrows made on the ground. These rodents have the ability to glide across hanging wires, ropes or tree branches and drop onto the roof. From the roof, the rats can enter the attic space with some difficulty. In fact, it is not much of a difficult task for them. They have the ability to act on small openings and make them bigger for entry. They can just wriggle through holes and enter the property. Since most roofs have some or the other imperfection, in most cases the rats are able to make way through them into the attic. Once a rat gets into the attic, it is just a matter of time before others in the colony would follow it.
However, rats can enter on the ground too. They can chew up wood, plastic and many other materials. They can also make way through brick and sometimes mortar and get into a building. They have a favorite entry point and it is the drain pipe of your house. They can also make their way through the kitchen drain system. In fact, this is an avenue that rats just love to access.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Removing rats is a tedious task. You need to call a rat removal Atlanta service for that. But if you can prevent rats from getting into your house in the first place, the task becomes easy. So make sure that the ends of all drain pipes are enclosed with dense wire mesh. This will make sure that rats cannot enter the drain pipes.
To guard against rat entry by making way through mortar, wood etc., you need to make sure that there are no burrows in close proximity of the house. If you find a burrow call a Rat Removal Atlanta service and show the burrow to them. They can trap all the rats from the burrow and relocate them to the wild.

To guard against rats gliding across tree branches, supply wires or hanging ropes, you need to make sure that there are no vulnerable points on the roof. Also the roof vent needs to be guarded with dense wire mesh so that rats cannot make their way through it.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Squirrel Removal Atlanta Services

Atlanta homes regularly bear the brunt of squirrel intrusion. Since the rodents multiply fast, an intrusion rapidly turns into an infestation. You need to call a Squirrel Removal Atlanta service as soon as you notice the presence of squirrels. Squirrels stray into houses both on the ground and over the ground. Since they mostly stay in trees, it is easier for them to glide over arching tree branches and drop onto the roofs of houses. Since they are an acrobatic lot, they may take the help of supply lines too and drop over the roof of your house. Once they are on the roof, they can find their way into the attic. They have a wonderfully strong jaw with which they can chew anything. They also have sharp teeth which helps them to cut up and slice through almost anything. So, all they need is just a semblance of opening. They can prise open such openings and make way through them. That indicates that if the roof is compact with no vulnerable point anywhere along the joint lines, the squirrel can do little. However, this is only an ideal condition. In most cases, roofs have some or the other vulnerabilities. The squirrel can take advantage of such vulnerable points and make its way into the attic. Professionals for Squirrel Removal services would like to inspect your roof top in order to detect vulnerabilities, if any.

Inside the attic

Once inside the attic, the squirrels multiple fast. It is the perfect refuge for mating and bringing up baby squirrels. For food they forage in the house and bring things to the attic. With all the basic items for sustenance in ample supply, they multiply fast and gradually spread throughout the property. As they spread some of them may get trapped in crevices and cracks and die. Such rotting dead bodies of rodents not only gives off foul smell, but also may spread diseases. Moreover, as they spread you can find their poops over. This may also be poisonous. Moreover, they can chew and destroy your costly furniture and furnishing. A Squirrel Removal Atlanta service can help you to prevent such a wide spread infestation. If infestation has already taken place, these services can help you to remove the rodents completely.

Squirrel removal                                                 

Squirrel removal is the only way since exterminating is not encouraged. In fact, you cannot kill wild animals in Atlanta even if they have strayed inside your property. So, you need to remove them. To remove them you need to be aware of their food habits, life cycle etc. A Squirrel Removal Atlanta service has all the information needed to devise a removal plan. They mostly use traps to trap the squirrel and then remove them all the way to the wild. However, a good Squirrel Removal Atlanta service will not only remove the squirrel, but also take concrete steps so that squirrels cannot enter your property again. They seal off all the openings through which squirrels can enter your house. That is why it augurs well for a household to call a specialist when there is a squirrel infestation.

Entry points  

Squirrels may discover multiple entry points to your property. In fact, it is difficult for a household to identify all such potential entry points. They are present not only on the roof, but also on the ground. So, you need to seal the opening on the ground too. The Squirrel Removal Atlanta services have the best idea about the openings on the ground which need to be and can be sealed in order to frustrate the attempts of squirrel to enter the property. However, it is a fact that all entry points cannot be sealed effectively.

Insect Repellent Sprays

Apart from sealing the entry points, the Squirrel Removal Atlanta services also use insect repellent powders. They spray insect repellent powders around the property. Smell of this powder deters the rodents from entering your property.         

Catching the squirrels

These services catch the rodents and relocate them to the wild. They use traps to catch the rodents. They place multiple traps at multiple points so that none of the squirrel can escape the traps. Since Atlanta wilderness laws debar you from killing wild animals, the only way is to relocate the squirrels to the wild.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Rodent Infestation Can be Dangerous; Call Rodent Removal Atlanta

Rodents are a menace whether they enter your property or not. Rodents like mouse, rats, squirrel, skunk etc may enter your property and wreak havoc. On the other hand rodents like moles generally don’t enter the building, but they can wreak havoc in your garden, yard or other places outside the house. If there is a mole infestation in your garden or yard, you can identify that.                                                       

You can see mounds of earth in the yard or the garden. If it is in the garden, you can see some plants coming off the ground. You may also find tree barks coming off from the base itself. However, if it is a mouse, rat or squirrel infestation, the signs may well be within your house. You may find rodent poops strewn all over your property. You are also likely to hear scratching and screeching sounds at night. Whatever be the type of rodent, it is harmful for your property as well as for your family members. Call Rodent Removal Atlanta services as soon as you get the whiff of the presence of rodents in your property. 

Do you hear scratching noise? If you do, it can be safely concluded that there are some rodents out there in the attic. Since rodents multiply fast, you need to act fast and call a rodent removal Atlanta services company. They would first ensure the type of rodent since different rodents call for different trapping patterns. They have different life cycles and food habits. They place instruments like infrared camera in certain areas to ascertain the type and place of nesting of the rodents. After ascertaining the type of rodent they place traps on their path. They are aware of the possible paths taken by different kinds of rodents. If the rodent is nestled in the attic, it is easier to trap and remove them. It becomes difficult, if the rodent spreads throughout the property. In that case you need to do a thorough combing operation and place traps in many places to trap the rodents. The rodent removal Atlanta personnel are specialized in such practices.

The Danger of Infestation

Rodent infestation is not only harmful for your property, but for the health of your family members as well. Rodent poop is poisonous, and your children or pets can fall sick due to these. The creature may die of starvation in crevices and gaps in your property if they are unable to come out of these places. This may also causes diseases. Animals like mouse and squirrel may chew up furniture and disfigure or destabilize them. They may also chew up electrical insulations and cause a house fire. Some of them may also damage water supply lines and cause inundation in house. 

How to Remove Them

The Rodent removal Atlanta personnel use traps to catch them. There are different types of traps for different types of rodents. They use different types of rat traps, squirrel traps, mouse traps, glue boards etc. However, they don’t use snap traps or poison to kill the animals. They use live animal traps. Normally they use multiple catch live animal traps if there is a rodent infestation in your property. They also don’t use the glue traps normally since such traps can also catch other unintended animals like lizards and birds and also your pet. They usually place the traps along the routes of animal thoroughfare. So you can see traps along the walls or behind the electrical appliances or furniture in your home. They would obviously place some traps in the attic too since it is where you can find most of the rodents, be it the squirrel, rat or mouse. They may also place the traps in high activity areas such as places where the rodents forage for food or places where they may make another hideout. In fact, they may place several traps since rats and mice as well as squirrel can spread to nooks and corners of your property. 


The services of a Rodent removal Atlanta is a specialized job. They do have the required knowledge and experience in removal of various kinds of rodents. However, they usually don’t kill the rodents. They deal with them in a humane way. They also need to obey the CDC guidelines regarding treatment of animals to prevent spread of diseases. 

Friday, May 18, 2018

This is What You Need to Know About Squirrel Removal Atlanta

Squirrel intrusion is a problem in Atlanta as well as in many other places. There are not many households or commercial properties which have not experienced this problem. As the winter approaches, the problem becomes acute. Squirrels usually nest in burrows inside trees and on ground. However, as the winter season approaches, it becomes difficult for these cutie rodents to forage for food. Also, they need to offer a safe place to their young ones. So they start to look out for places that offer protection as well as food for their younger ones. Not surprisingly residential and commercial properties are the prime targets of these rodents. As they enter your property, they multiply rapidly and within a short time infests the property. So you need to act fast and call a Squirrel removal Atlanta service lest the intrusion should become an infestation. 

The Special Problem With Flying Squirrels

Flying squirrels stay inside burrows in trees. But the special problem with them is that they can enter your property from any side. They can just dance down the supply lines and drop into the attic. They can also make holes in the wall or on the ground and enter your property. It is difficult to stop them until you take the help of Squirrel removal Atlanta

How Do I Know if There are Squirrel Inside my Property

You really don’t need to look for them. You can feel their presence if you are a bit alert. You can hear scratching and screeching sounds at night when the surroundings is quiet. The sound is very likely to come from the attic, but it may come from other places too. Don’t ignore the sound. Contat a squirrel removal Atlanta service the very next since you need to act fast in order to prevent an infestation.

Characteristics of Squirrel

Squirrels can invade your house from the top as well as on the ground. They can climb on almost every kind of building material and that includes asphalt. They can also dig up earth and wriggle into your house through fissures on the wall. They have very strong teeth and that is what may predispose you to some grievous risks. They can dig tunnels and weaken walls. They can chew up cables and supply lines and precipitate a house fire. The can also chew up doors and door frames and compromise your security. They may harm the water supply lines and precipitate a flood. They may even destabilize the whole building since they may gnaw away at the foundation. Once they enter a property, they multiply fast. They start chewing up stuff while searching for food. 

What You May Notice in Case of an Intrusion

Apart from the scratching and screeching sound, you may notice squirrel droppings all over the place. Initially, it is most likely to be confined to eh attic. However, if you don’t call squirrel removal Atlanta services in time, you may notice the droppings all over the place after few days. 

The Harmful Effects of an Infestation

Although the risks of a house fire, flood, destruction of furniture, destabilization of buildings etc are there, the bigger risk is the risk of diseases. Squirrel poop carries pathogens which can be quite harmful for yours children as well as pets. Sometimes squirrels get trapped inside crevices and fissures and die. Such dead animals may become a source of various diseases. 

The Trick of Removing Squirrels

Squirrel Removal Atlanta services employ traps to catch the squirrel. But placing the traps is not easy if you are not aware of the habits of the prey. These people are well aware of the habits of squirrel. Moreover, they have sophisticated night vision cameras which help them to spot the rodents. Once they have spotted the squirrel in different places, they make a map of the places where traps are to be placed. They place the traps accordingly. However, they don’t kill the rodents. The squirrel removal people relocate the rodents far away from human habitation so that they are not able to come back. 

Prevention is Better Than Cure 

Squirrel removal is a tough job, especially if there is an infestation. This is why squirrel removal Atlanta services always seal the entry points to your residential or commercial property. This may prevent future squirrel intrusion into your property.