Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Rodent Infestation Can be Dangerous; Call Rodent Removal Atlanta

Rodents are a menace whether they enter your property or not. Rodents like mouse, rats, squirrel, skunk etc may enter your property and wreak havoc. On the other hand rodents like moles generally don’t enter the building, but they can wreak havoc in your garden, yard or other places outside the house. If there is a mole infestation in your garden or yard, you can identify that.                                                       

You can see mounds of earth in the yard or the garden. If it is in the garden, you can see some plants coming off the ground. You may also find tree barks coming off from the base itself. However, if it is a mouse, rat or squirrel infestation, the signs may well be within your house. You may find rodent poops strewn all over your property. You are also likely to hear scratching and screeching sounds at night. Whatever be the type of rodent, it is harmful for your property as well as for your family members. Call Rodent Removal Atlanta services as soon as you get the whiff of the presence of rodents in your property. 

Do you hear scratching noise? If you do, it can be safely concluded that there are some rodents out there in the attic. Since rodents multiply fast, you need to act fast and call a rodent removal Atlanta services company. They would first ensure the type of rodent since different rodents call for different trapping patterns. They have different life cycles and food habits. They place instruments like infrared camera in certain areas to ascertain the type and place of nesting of the rodents. After ascertaining the type of rodent they place traps on their path. They are aware of the possible paths taken by different kinds of rodents. If the rodent is nestled in the attic, it is easier to trap and remove them. It becomes difficult, if the rodent spreads throughout the property. In that case you need to do a thorough combing operation and place traps in many places to trap the rodents. The rodent removal Atlanta personnel are specialized in such practices.

The Danger of Infestation

Rodent infestation is not only harmful for your property, but for the health of your family members as well. Rodent poop is poisonous, and your children or pets can fall sick due to these. The creature may die of starvation in crevices and gaps in your property if they are unable to come out of these places. This may also causes diseases. Animals like mouse and squirrel may chew up furniture and disfigure or destabilize them. They may also chew up electrical insulations and cause a house fire. Some of them may also damage water supply lines and cause inundation in house. 

How to Remove Them

The Rodent removal Atlanta personnel use traps to catch them. There are different types of traps for different types of rodents. They use different types of rat traps, squirrel traps, mouse traps, glue boards etc. However, they don’t use snap traps or poison to kill the animals. They use live animal traps. Normally they use multiple catch live animal traps if there is a rodent infestation in your property. They also don’t use the glue traps normally since such traps can also catch other unintended animals like lizards and birds and also your pet. They usually place the traps along the routes of animal thoroughfare. So you can see traps along the walls or behind the electrical appliances or furniture in your home. They would obviously place some traps in the attic too since it is where you can find most of the rodents, be it the squirrel, rat or mouse. They may also place the traps in high activity areas such as places where the rodents forage for food or places where they may make another hideout. In fact, they may place several traps since rats and mice as well as squirrel can spread to nooks and corners of your property. 


The services of a Rodent removal Atlanta is a specialized job. They do have the required knowledge and experience in removal of various kinds of rodents. However, they usually don’t kill the rodents. They deal with them in a humane way. They also need to obey the CDC guidelines regarding treatment of animals to prevent spread of diseases.