Monday, February 11, 2019

Squirrel Removal Atlanta Services- Everything You Need to Know

In current times, wildlife animals are being seen quite closely in the areas near your house or building. One of the most common animals which are seen, currently is the grey squirrel. The rodents are not supposed to ignored at any cost, they have the potential to wreak havoc on your happy lives. Atlanta squirrels can carry around various problems with them that may easily affect humans, for which you will be requiring the help of professional squirrel removal Atlanta services.

From Where do Squirrels Enter Your Lavish Atlanta Home?

Hardwood forests or any combined hardwood and pine forests are their first choice. They build their nests with leaves or create dens in the cracks or holes available inside trees.

But then, human abodes attract them, predominantly in attics or somewhere inside the walls holes or even basements, only to keep their young ones safe.  

Indications of Squirrels at Your Place

    • The excreta/droppings (usually reddish-brown in color) in your roof beams or other areas of your house. 

    • Different noises like biting/grating noise, scuttling or scrapping (fighting) in areas such as attics, ceilings or walls.

Destruction Done by Squirrels

    • Ruining the siding- it can chew the sides of the wooden material in your house making its condition worse and consents other small insects or animals to easily enter your house.

    • Tarnishing wiring system- as they are capable to chew or grate with their non-stop growing teeth, they can ruin the wires in the walls which could spark to fire. 

    • Impairment to insulation- with their nests in insulation they can create holes at areas where cool air or heat escape, and can cause an expense to get it fixed.

Affecting Your Health

    • Inappropriate handling of the excrement of squirrels, can pretense intimidation of salmonella infection.

    • From a single hair of squirrel to the urine or its saliva can become a reason for various diseases like sneezing/nasal congestion, scratchy throat, asthmatic signs, itchy watery eyes, and eczema.

    • With the fur on squirrels, they can carry other parasites like fleas, lice, mites, or ticks.

Squirrel removal Atlanta services are your best bet when it comes to getting rid of all such dangers! 

Steps taken by the squirrel removal Atlanta service providers to help you and your household be free from the agony caused by these rodents. 

The first and foremost step is to trap squirrels. Trapping them could become a little hard for the duration of the breeding period as they are subtle towards the new atmosphere. But being a safer option, they trap them and put them somewhere far (at least ten miles) from your residential area. 

After the finishing point of controlling squirrel breeding, the service providers get the holes and the cracks in their home walls, ceiling, or attics sealed up. They give a special consideration must to the entry points that were being used by squirrels as they get attracted to that odor. The service providers check carefully and look for any construction gap or opening (if any) in your building, and they seal that as well.

Lastly, the cleaning process takes place, they clean the place where these squirrels had once bred so that the odor diminishes and the scent of that place is completely altered. All the droppings or waste are removed. This is proved to be the best way to eliminate squirrels from an attic. The chemicals or the mothballs are fundamentally ineffectual on squirrels and may harm humans too.

An appropriate execution conducted by the service providers For squirrel removal is your ultimate choice in such conditions. If not done, new squirrels would replace right after the old ones are distant.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Call Bee Exterminator Atlanta Pest Service to Get Rid of Bees

There are 20,000 species of bees worldwide. The most common one is the honeybee. The honeybee is not a native to the USA and during the colonial times, it was introduced. They are said to be the most social insects who communicate strongly with each other. Bees make wax combs which offer space to rear young and store the honey. Bees have a strong social order and are very hard working as well. They can cause issues to your home and therefore, you need the help of Bee Exterminator Atlanta service near your area.

Few Things About the Bees You Should Know                   

Bees live on stored honey throughout winter and therefore, they can live for years. They do not hibernate during the cold weather like other bees. They can cause a lot of damage. They can make their colony in a building wall and it can be a major issue for the residents. Bees have the capability to chew through the walls and they can be seen inside as well. A large amount of honey attracts many other bees, inspects and wasps. The honey which is stored can absorb the moisture and it can be fermented as well. It can cause strong odors as well. It will also attract moths and carpet beetles. It becomes a headache to stay with these bees and you definitely need bee removal service to get rid of them.

What Can You Do on Your Own?

As soon as you see a bee in your house, try to locate where they are actually coming from. Chances of beehive near the area are possible. Seeking help from beekeeper is a good idea as they know how to relocate the bees without killing them. They make use of smoke to remove the bees from a beehive. It is done to take honey from the beehive.

You can burn wood or paper under the beehive at night. Bees are attracted to water sources, so keep them closed. Bees should not be attracted to them. 

You should not make the bees comfortable. It is vital to take the correct steps and remove them as quickly as possible.

What Else You Can Do?

It can be overwhelming to remove bees. Bees are important for ecosystem health and balance. They are important for pollination as well. However, they can cause great risk to family members and pets. Killing the bees is not a good idea so you need a professional to exterminate the bees.

As soon as you notice a bee or full honeybee colony, you should not delay to call a pest control operator. The bee keepers plan to relocate the colony and they make use of chemicals as well to remove the comb. Most of the beekeepers might tell you to relocate the bees instead of killing the colony. In some situations, it may be required to kill the colony. Every situation is unique and each idea is worked on before coming to a solution.


Bees are not acceptable creatures in your premises and you should take immediate action to remove them from your building or premises. You can try some methods on your own, but the best thing to do is call a professional. A Bee Exterminator Atlanta service company near your area can make your building or property safe again.