Wednesday, October 10, 2018

How the Best Flying Squirrel Georgia Removal Services can help you

Flying squirrels, one of the most common species around North America, are not just the easiest to identify but also the hardest to keep away from your home. Their aerodynamic skills and the way they flatten out their furry bodies to fly like a parachute, is their greatest identifying feature. Once they launch themselves in air and fly away, there is nothing that will stop them from gliding away later. 
Not an immediate threat, but these nocturnal mammals can cause significant problems in your life! Probably this is why you will require Flying Squirrel Georgia removal services! 

A Flying Squirrel in Your Georgia Home! 

Flying squirrels tend to look for warm shelters in order to hide, this is why they are mostly seen around the attic of your Georgia home. Considering the fact that they breed twice every year, they are always seen living in large colonies of flying squirrels. 
When living in the safe shelters of your warm home, flying squirrels can live for more than a decade. However, in a wild setting, they can hardly live for about 5 to 6 years. Species that live for so long are bound to cause significant amount of damages! 

Damages They Can Cause 

For starters, flying squirrels can chew and gnaw on electrical wiring around your house, which can not only cause electrical failures and short circuits but can also cause fire breakouts. 
Moreover, the fact that they have found shelter in your attic our anywhere around your home, means you are going to end up with sleepless nights. They are going to make a lot of noise with their gnawing, especially when they are active at night! This gnawing and chewing can also expose and expand any construction gaps in your home, and rot away the essential wooden structures of your home and roof. 
In your garden, they can cause the bark of the trees and shrubs to be denuded. Apart from the possible denudation, they can also dig multiple holes around your home and your turf and damage your bird feeders and other possible items out in your patio. 
Apart from disorienting your wiring, your home, and your garden, they are also known to spread parasitic infections and diseases, like typhus and rabies, because of their habit to leave around urine and droppings. 
Having flying squirrels around your home is a nightmare for your family. This is why you should be looking forward to getting rid of them as quickly as possible with the help of flying squirrel Georgia removal services.

Getting rid of Flying Squirrels 

Out of all the possible ways, the most effective is to keeping them out of your home, not allowing them to come back by trapping them and relocating them. However, this cannot be done alone. You do need to ask for help. Doing it on your own can be tricky. Flying Squirrel Georgia removal services are the ones you should be trusting for the job! 
Professionals like us can not just trap them but relocate them to a new place, in the most humane way possible, where they can live peacefully without having to sabotage your premises. We have helped thousands of families breathe a sigh of relief by providing our services, we will do the same for you! 

Our services will start by sealing all the possible entry and exit points that a flying squirrel Georgia family can use to move around your premises. Once we seal all the points, we will try and trap them, not giving them an opportunity to let them escape anywhere else. Once we have managed to trap them, we will transport them to a safe, distant location, where they can build a new home for themselves and live happily. 

Our removal methodologies are environmental and animal friendly. We are humane in our approach. As pioneers in flying squirrel Georgia removal services, we do not believe in hurting any species. In fact, we do not even believe in letting your home hurt! This is why we also repair all the damages that flying squirrels have caused to you and your family. We will fix and repair every form of damage so you can relax at all times. 

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